Elusive elements of a striking importance throughout our lives, numbers are often linked with various attributes – such as luck, bad fortune, upcoming surges in our workload, warnings from our angels or even unexpected changes.

Some numbers might appear to you as symbols of happiness and success whilst others could hide behind the mask of duality and double meaning. It is up to a keen sense of observation and a well-trained eye to details to correctly decode these messages that we receive from our angels.

Angel number 107 is here to bring divine transformation into your life and perhaps, next time you get onto the 107 bus line to New Jersey you’ll glance at your ticket to find the 1:07pm timestamps miraculously printed on it.

Whether through means of hypothetical or actual scenarios of the day unfolding ahead, the message from your guiding angels will make its way to you by the unique essence possessed by number 107 and its blessings.

But before you travel outwards, you could simply follow the necessary inward tour leading to the core understanding of this angelic number that we will now begin.

The General Significance of Angel Number 107

It is commonly known that chemical element with atomic number 107 is Bohrium. In mathematics number 107 represents the 28th prime number, the maximum number of steps that any Turing machine with 2 symbols and 4 states can make.

In 107 AD First year of the yongchu era of the Chinese Eastern Han Dynasty and Lucius Licinius Sura and Quintus Sosius Senecio become consuls of Rome.

Various cultures throughout history denominated number 107 as the “number of the human soul” and the sum of all chakras (physical and non-physical) that compose what we refer to as ourselves.

Overall, in any of your spiritual or entrepreneurial ambitions, angel number 107 will provide you with new and lasting connections with people who will project your ambitions further to even greater heights than before.

The Hidden Biblical Meaning of 107

The message your angels are offering to you here is that your desires are now being materialized through God and by following his divine guidance. You are going into the right direction as long as you remain unwavering in your faith.

The Holy Bible teaches us through Psalm 107 to “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever to all of those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south”.

Another powerful affirmation of God’s might and glory is offered through sum of the occurrences of all numbers of the Ancient Testament multiple of 11 gives 107 and the addition of the occurrences of numbers of the New Testament higher than 40 gives also 107. In the Bible, only one number is multiple of 107, and it is the number 642.

The Sacred Spiritual Meaning of Number 107

The divine vibration of this number’s energy can be perceived as a comforting, reassuring statement from the Universe that you are on the right track to success.

In the Chinese culture, number 107 is generally associated with the Soul’s Destiny and making the right choices along the way, therefore representing a lucky number, if you are able to fully resonate with it.

However, if you are rather superstitious, in Feng-Shui numerology, 107 equals to 8, which can sometimes become an auspicious number. Bear in mind though that you alone can manipulate and maneuver energies the way you desire so long as you strive to become a self-reliant and efficient builder.

The general outlook here tends to be balanced. In order to determine the energy motifs that the number 107 represent to you, the multi-digit number 107 is reduced to a single digit.

Our result is number 8 meaning a building number. It is a composite number forged through the energies represented by numbers 1, 0, and 7 influencing the course of action you are urged to take, which should include self-determinism, comprehensiveness and self-analysis.

Why Do You Keep Seeing Number 107?

You can often find yourself encountering angelic number 107 when your innate desire to build and to outperform yourself have been stagnant for a while.

Maybe you have initiated a series of house restorations and modifications that you were excited about. Or perhaps you are prolonging the stay in your current apartment even though your soul is itching for a change of scenery.

On top of the buzzing of thoughts and emotions going rapidly through your mind you might also experience a certain degree of anxiousness or an amplified desire for escapism. All these reactions to the situations around you are normal and naturally your angels come to provide a helping hand.

If you have been single for some time, this is your reminder that you have a lot of love and affection to give to a significant other and maybe you just currently need a boost in terms of self-esteem or confidence.

Number 107 can show up numerous times as you think of your crush or as they pass you by on your way to your office. All these events are by no means mere coincidences and now your angels are kindly asking you to step up and make the first move.

What To Do If You Keep Seeing Number 107?

If you find these situations accurately fitting or similar to your own internal battles, then this is yet another sign for you to continue seeking the answers you need. This is an excellent opportunity for building and introspection.

The simple fact that you have consistently noticed number 107 is a confirmation from the divine source that your angels are keeping close watch over you and that you are protected.

It is a clear indication that the universe is giving you another change to improve your life and to continue creating and shaping your own reality harmoniously. Chances for change only enter once in a while in our lives, therefore you should not waste the one that has been presented before you.

While you can always make use of your past experience to mold your future, this time around the angels urge you to have a little more self-confidence and take risks that will go a long way later on.

Maybe this is the perfect opportunity to wear your best outfit that always makes you feel like you can take on the entire world and take hold of your life.

Angel Number 107 and Love

Relationship-wise number 107 signifies that there is room for growth, either as a couple or individually. The current situation, although secure financially may be lacking emotionally. There is plenty capacity for growth if you both work on open and honest communication with the other.

The angels are advising you to trust your partner and have a long overdue talk about how things are affecting either one of you.

If you are currently single and looking to engage in a new connection then maybe your focus should first be placed on improving yourself at the present time – there are always plenty of opportunities to form long-lasting bonds with people around you, but first you must also learn to love yourself unconditionally.

No matter how many times you have failed before, this time around success and prosperity are on your horizon as this is the message that your angels have in store for you through 107.

Angel Number 107 and Career

Every single time number 107 makes an appearance in your life, know that there is always room for growth. The key here is to make the best use possible of this new opportunity and foster closer bonds with your team mates and colleagues. It will only help you achieve more in the long run.

If you’ve been unsure about asking for a promotion, the message conveyed by your angels can symbolize your green light in this case. Your efforts are justified and you should not be afraid to know your worth and to use your tact and diplomacy in order to receive what you have earned all along.

Angel number 107 will pull you completely out of your comfort zone and will pose an important question about what it is that you wish to create most in your life – it is up to you to decide which is the answer to this question.

Angel Number 107 and Life Path

Your guardian angels would like you to know that you are on the right path on your life’s journey and would like to encourage you to dream bigger and to have more trust in yourself, your intuition and your natural ability to succeed.

The most important thing for you right now is to prioritize the essentials in your life and to remain focused on the changes that need to be made in order to successfully enhance your life.

Alternatively, if you have recently made changes to your routine, your work, your belief as well as any other area of your life and are unsure whether they were the right ones or not, all that is needed is for you to listen to the advice provided by your angels and to have faith that you have done your best and that things will turn out for the better.

Don’t take anything for granted. Think of your brain like a magnet – the more you focus on negative energy, the sooner it will be invited into your life. On the other hand, the harder you envision positive change, the quicker it will manifest for you.

Number 107 in Numerology

Individuals associated with angel number 107 can be described as reliable friends that you can count on for advice as well as for their consistent presence in your life.

They are easily some of the most trustworthy people you will meet and are sure to help you whenever needed. If you happen to be connected with number 107 yourself, then you should always acknowledge your innate need for community.

Carrer-wise they tend to be less focused on the artistic side of life and more money-oriented. This is only a natural consequence of their exceptional pragmatic thinking skills and their need to become a good example for others around them.

You can often find these people working as assistant managers, construction workers or even team leaders. Any sort of position that requires them to perpetually build and give back to the community will prove to be their natural habitat.


At the end of our journey we can note a couple of important aspects that we have learned so far about angel number 107 and its uses in our lives.

We can count on this number to grace us with its presence when we are in fact doing the right thing, but we need a boost of confidence to support our efforts.

It is a sacred number for most cultures and in most cases a lucky one as well. The combined energies of its composite numbers allow room for growth and success if used accordingly.

This if the ideal opportunity to leave all worries and insecurities behind and to focus towards building for your future. The building aspect can and should include both physical and non-physical elements, such as working to strengthen your bonds with your community or simply inner work towards enlightenment.

Embrace the message given to you by your angels through this number and share your light with those around you. You angels are here to remind you that you are the image of God and that you should keep on carrying a torch in the darkness for your fellow humans.

The angels are here to provide you with all resources needed in your endeavor to begin (or expand) a spiritually-based career, practice and/or profession or service-based project that you have so far placed on hold.

This is your cue to begin acting thoughtfully and purposefully and to perform a much-needed upgrade of your skills, setting even higher goals than before. This angelic information is a clear message of joy and progress in the desired direction and all of these things are simply granted to you as a reward to your consistent faith in your angels.