Each number is imbued with a specific essence, carrying a particular meaning related to only that specific number. When thinking of 400, the angels are whispering to you kind thoughts about your strong-minded, but warm-hearted nature.

400 is one of the divine numbers closely connected with one’s ability to overcome any situation thrown their way, by making use of their resilience and sense of self awareness.

If you happen to come across repetitive patterns or glancing at the cheerful occurrences happening in your everyday life, it would be practical to step back and rejoice in knowing that your angels are watching over you.

It is possible that due to its encouraging and protective nature, this number will make an entrance into your life when you need it the most, unsurprisingly by means of accidental timestamps, balance amounts or even phone numbers.

The subtleties of coming across this number can still be vividly perceived, as long as you recognize the meaning behind each instance and how to best apply it to your own personal path.

As with all paths threaded by us unknowingly each single day, the few initial steps always prove to be the most challenging, some of which you may have been faced with in the past.

Whether this is your first encounter with an angel number or just another joyful meeting with the divine realm in the form of numerical symbols, let’s begin the journey towards discovering the mysteries of this message sent out to you.

The General Significance of Number 400

The vibrations of numbers can symbolically bring to your awareness patterns of thinking and behavior uncharted before and confer you new possibilities, which can help demystify the true meaning of your destiny.

According to various scientific sources, our Sun is known to be about 400 times larger in comparison to the size of our Moon, making this number an even more symbolic display of forceful energetic properties.

There have been instances where, when observing the sky many people have reported witnessing the illusion of the Moon, due to its placement in rapport to the Sun, to briefly become equal in size.

In gematria (alphanumeric code of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase according to its letters) number 400 is known to be the largest single number that can be represented without making use of Sophit forms and in mathematics, 400 is a perfect square number. 400 squared equals 160,000 and 400 cubed equals 64,000,000, the square root of 400 being 20.

From history we can learn that 400 has also represented the yard number of the RMS Olympic, MS Titanic’s sister ship.

And from more modern sources, as a side fact, this number appears in website coding languages as well, in the form of HTTP 400, the HTTP error code for “Bad Request”

The year 400AD introduces Chrysanthemums into Japan while in Greece, the renowned philosopher, Hypatia goes on to become one of the first female scientist of her time and head of the Neo-Platonist school at Alexandria.

400BC is known as the year the catapult is invented by Greek engineers, while in the Persian empire, war breaks out between Sparta and Elis, with the Athenian admiral, Conon obtaining command over the Persian fleet.

The Hidden Biblical Meaning of 400

From the teachings of the Holy Bible, we can note in some occurrences the striking importance of angel umber 400 throughout the scriptures.

By reading deeper into them we can extract the knowledge needed to apply these teachings to our everyday lives.

One instance portraying the significance of number 400 can be found in the New Testament, written precisely 400 days apart from the Hebrew Bible, adding yet another layer to the importance of this numerical to the Christian religion.

Some scholars go on to state that angel number 400 is essentially a blend of energies that symbolizes the beginning and end of phases in one’s life. As a result of 8(the destiny number) x 50 (the number most commonly linked with progression), number 400 stands as a denominator of “a perfect period of time passing”.

In relation to the story of Christians being slaves of Egypt for 400 years, the Genesis extract says: “Then the Lord said to him, “Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there.”

Acts 7:6 (NIV): God spoke to him in this way: ‘For four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated.’

Showing gratitude is perhaps one of the most important lessons to be learned from the presence of number 400 in the Holy Bible. The way in which we carry ourselves around others and the impact we leave on their lives will ultimately influence the energy that comes back into our lives.

The Sacred Spiritual Meaning of 400

In numerology studies, the angel number 400 reduces to the core number 4 whose energy resonates with pragmatism, conscientiousness and a focus on building a secure foundation for the future.

This unique energy contributes to the divine message represented by the number 400. This angel number reminds you that whatever it is you are doing at the moment, the key is to do it enthusiastically, confidently and passionately.

The energy represented by the unique digits that compose the number 400 also contribute to the whole. In addition to it, the number 0 adds influences of wholeness, inclusiveness and achievement of your full potential.

Throughout history, a range of less fortunate events have also taken place around the years 400BC and 400AD in which concerns the more spiritual side of history as Siddhārtha Gautama (also known as Buddha), founder of Buddhism passes away and the Olmec culture in Mesoamerica comes to an end while its city of La Venta gets abandoned.

Why Do You Keep Seeing Number 400?

As this divine number shows up to provide you with many blessings and empowerment, the guardian angels are asking you to pay close attention to your inner voice.

When you see this number in your everyday life, know that your guardian angels are recognizing your efforts. They are telling you that the life you want to live will only be achievable once you make the necessary sacrifices.

If you keep bumping into angel number 400 it means that you have a strong intuition and by making use of that, it will help make better decisions. You may consider this a divine message from your angels, urging you to listen to your inner voice and trust in their guidance.

Once this numbers appears to you it stands as a reminder to declutter your life from all the unnecessary things and thinking that are only halting your progress – your angels are now telling you to be practical and honest regarding your life journey and mission or whatever you do.

What To Do If You Keep Seeing Number 400?

The moment you become aware of the presence of angel number 400 in your life should jumpstart a series of events that will become the foundation of your spiritual journey inwards.

The presence of double zeros in the composition of number 400 stands as an amplification of the “God force” energy present in your life.

The best advice here is to pause the everyday struggle and focus on things that actually make you happy. You could choose to attend yoga classes or even learn a new trade by yourself – the keyword here is self-discovery.

This sacred number carries a very distinct vibration that seeks to connect you with the Universe and all the forces that surround you and to provide you with the tools needed to incorporate them into your life, making this an ideal time to go over an unfinished project or maybe pick up an old hobby.

Like all things, energy recycles and if you’ve been feeling rather stuck, it is now time to go out and make yourself seen, maybe even spruce up your home a little bit with some elements that don’t normally fall into your decorative choice.

Number 400 and Love

When it comes to matters of the heart, angel number 400 reminds you to pay close attention to your partner’s needs, if you happen to currently be involved in a serious relationship as this will help progress your bond further.

Alternatively, number 400 represents a good chance for single people to find the matching energy to their and finally meet the person that will join them into a long a lasting bond.

This time the angels are suggesting to be more outgoing, loyal and understanding of people.

Number 400 and Career

Angel number 400 urges you to start or begin something new when it comes to your working career by laying a solid foundation and developing a positive mindset.

You can become the example of a new mindset and embrace change and fresh things that will further help you and those around you excel in every aspect of life.

The true meaning of 400 is the solid foundation of good things to come. Make best use of your leadership skill, which leads to you influencing others, you may just be unknowing of how many people require your inspiration.

Number 400 and Life Path

Thinking about your life path, it is now high time to reconsider which way to take further as in the upcoming period you have the ability to definitively influence the course of your life.

The angels are supporting your every decision and are encouraging you to make bold choices when it comes to important family or household decisions as they will turn out for the better.

Do not reminisce of past mistakes and look further ahead to brighter future for both you and those close to you.

The Personality of Number 400 in Numerology

The personality of individuals under the influence of this divine number can generally be described as reliable individuals and often times they can easily make friends with those around them.

Being the center of attention comes naturally to them, leading groups of friends or even leading projects in the office as part of important decision-making teams.

Due to their draw to all things expensive and luxurious they can often be surrounded by material pleasures while ignoring the non-material side of things.

Excellent workers and skilled leaders, people under the influence of number 400 naturally makes the best of situations regardless of the turbulences of life.


Essentially the goal of angel number 400 is to help guide you and provide the forceful push needed for you to finally pursue and accomplish all of your dreams and ambitions.

As a number based of practical energies, number 400 poses a strong affirmation in your everyday life through its expressiveness and wish to be seen and appreciated, just like your hard-working efforts are now noticed and rewarded by your guardian angels.

The double number zero represents a symbol of new beginnings, leaving the past behind to start out a new chapter of your life. This number is often linked to cycles, wholeness and infinity.

Angel number 400 as a whole symbolizes the energy of the divine realm and the energy of God, spirituality. This number is further associated to the inwards journey of developing a strong spiritual connection and elevate your spiritual gifts and abilities.

The primary number 4 in this number resonates with hard work, persistence and determination. The power of inner wisdom needs to be further explored and honesty practiced in all things.

Number 400 acts as a wake-up call that good future is now bound to be granted to you as a reward for all the hard work and sacrifices made.

Your guardian angels show appreciation for the things that you have strived to achieve. In return, all you need to do is appreciate the universe and the divine realm for giving you the strength and motivation to keep pushing on.