When it comes to one’s own spiritual journey towards attaining and mastering Source Energy, there is no room for coincidences or unrelated series of events that cannot be tracked back to a common point of origin.

Numbers, as well as every single thing that takes places in our everyday lives are intrinsically interconnected. The ways in which we decipher and apply them to our own personal gain is directly determined by our capacity of comprehending the world around us with an open mind – and this is what this angelic message is all about: vitality, free spiritedness and versatility.

If 105 has been seeking the spotlight of your day, showing up in the shape of phone numbers, timestamps or even on receipts there is no room for doubt that changes are afoot.

Your guardian angels are telling you through number 105 that they are going to bring you with them on a little journey through a rather rough patch, but that your faith in them is the only key ingredient required for this recipe of success – and this is the very first stepping stone where your endeavor begins.

The General Significance of Number 105

Throughout history we can observe that this angelic number itself undertook an ever-expansive route through transformation. A prime instance of that takes place in 105 BC, when on January 1 Gnaeus Mallius Maximus and Publius Rutilius Rufus become Roman consuls.

Later on, on October 6 the most severe the Roman forces suffered since the battle of Cannae takes place at Arausio, where the Cimbri destroy two Roman armies on the Rhône.

Back in Rome the first official gladiator match is demonstrated by gladiators from Capua as part of their training program for the military.

In 105 AD in Asia, the Chinese eunuch Cai Lun begins working on an alternative, more refined way of making paper. He receives official praise from the emperor for his methods of making paper from tree bark, hemp, remnant rags and fish nets. Papermaking began in China starting with the 2nd century BC, however, Cai Lun’s method provided a far superior writing surface and a cheaper alternative to silk.

In New Zealand and the United Kingdom, 105 is used for non-emergency calls to Police and from Chemistry we learn that Dubnium is a chemical element with atomic number 105.

The Hidden Biblical Meaning of 105

Angel number 105 is used two times in the Bible – one occurrence marks the passing of prophetess Judith, aged 105 (Jdt 16,23). The second notable instance of this number’s appearance reveals to us the Age of Seth, son of Adam, when he fathered Enosh.

Aside from these main bullet-points, the holy Bible teaches us that 105 is a test to our faith in God and a message delivered by Him to remind us of our loyalty and commitment to the realization of His will.

In the New Testament there are 105 instances where God’s name is being invoked with honorary titles, reminders of his eternal glory. In more recent days, media has shown a great deal of publicity on the discovery of hidden messages in the Torah, the five books of the Mosaic Law, based on what is now known as “equidistant letter sequences” (ELS).

The Sacred Spiritual Meaning of 105

St. Augustine teaches us that “numbers are the thoughts of God – – the Divine Wisdom is reflected in the numbers impressed on all things – – the construction of the physical and moral world alike is based on eternal numbers.”

In numerology, this angelic message is directly linked with a harmonious expression of home and nurturing, with a focus on bringing all healing energies in perfect sync accompanying the real of personal freedom that cannot exist outside of the realm of responsibilities.

In Chinese culture, 105 is considered to be a lucky number, as a result of the favorable blend of energies between its composite numbers (1+0+5). The leading number 1 in this case can be associated with individuality and information, 0 serves as a subtle inclusion of the Divine preceding 5, often perceived as a positive omen in the event of a financial or emotional breakthrough.

Contributing to the vibrational architecture of this angelic number, several amplifiers can be observed: 1, 0, 5, 10, 15, and 50. These serve as beacons of energy, sustaining the structural perfection of 105.

Why Do You Keep Seeing Number 105?

The main important factor to note here is that we are drawn to numbers, just as much as numbers themselves are also drawn to us. The only way to invite them closer to us is by resonating onto the same frequency that they exude.

The hidden core of this angelic message is sacred. If you’ve been exposed to numerous opportunities for change and yet this does not seem to confer you any form of satisfaction or peace of mind, number 105 urges you to shift your way of thinking.

Focusing mainly on negativity, becoming oblivious to the immensity of gifts granted to us daily or remaining stuck in the comfortable patterns that have been working out for you in the past is not the way to enlightenment.

 Angel number 105 is a gentle tap on the shoulder from your guardian angel, hinting that the direction in which your actions are heading is not the most beneficial one for you.

What To Do If You Keep Seeing Number 105?

The frequency with which you encounter number 105 is a clear indicator of just how close you are to achieving your biggest dreams and wishes – but these can only be manifested through the process of transformation and change.

Change in itself can be considered part of the journey. Although you should not consistently seek it just for the sake of curiosity, you could keep an open mind when it comes to your true self and objectively extracting the seeds that are no longer gracing your soul’s garden with beautiful blossoms.

Perpetual harmony created through meditation, helping others in need of your offerings, investing not only into material things, but aspiring to replenish your heart’s well should be your most immediate actions once number 105’s presence has been made known to you.

Interpretations of the energies of number 105 should be entirely made by you, based off of profound observations of your life’s energetic flow. You need to be able to identify the fragmented and unjustified excessive need for acquiring material things.

The physical realm can bring to us immensely joyful experiences, yet in the face of eternity they are fleeting – hence we must also focus on elaborating a plan that will secure our soul’s well-being.

Number 105 and Love

The human heart is an exceptional display of contrasting emotions and contradictions – and so is the message your guardian angels are trying to share with you here.

If you’ve been dating someone new for a short period of time and wished upon them to make the next bold move over and over again, yet no signs of a long-lasting connection can be seen on the horizon, maybe it is time for you to gracefully let go.

We cannot allow people and energies that we feel are not nourishing food for our souls to feed our being and harm us in the process. Not only are you missing out on possibly life-changing experiences, but you are also confining your partner under a bond that does not exactly for out for the two of you.

Instead of investing wishes into making things better, invest wishes into better things that will help you thrive.

Number 105 and Career

You fellow co-workers are magically drawn to you, thanks to your magnetic charm and strong-minded ethics. Keep up your optimistic mindset and people will naturally gravitate around you and will want to work with you on that new business idea that’s been lingering in your mind for quite some time.

Reinforcing the idea that no great things ever happen unless you’ve already envisioned them in your mind and are actively working to manifest them, the next big job opportunity for you is not exactly to be found in an email or in newspapers – it is already inside your core, you only need to tune in and listen to your intuition.

Your angels are showing you that this is the moment to take up the motivator role and become the doer that will help move things forward for you and your team. It is advised that you thoroughly research all factors before making a rushed and uninformed decision.

In a modern world where people sometimes rely on negative means to keep their businesses afloat, your angels are now imploring you to hold on to truth and embrace honesty and hard work.

Number 105 and Life Path

Unsurprisingly, 105 may boldly come to you if you have not yet found your way in life, especially if you are currently struggling with overcoming a rough patch and cannot seem to figure out the means to distance yourself from that situation.

Essentially there are many paths leading to one way – the way of the Universe. Regardless of whichever branch you hold onto, in the proverbial tree of life there is enough room for all forms of spirituality to thrive and co-exist.

Although not necessarily pointing to an inconsistency of your beliefs, angel number 105 may indicate that perhaps you have been a little harsh on the ideals and concepts that are in opposition with yours. Contrast can be beautiful – and as you look upon your life path, the colors that you pour along the way would stand out brighter if they are harmoniously merged.

All in all, when it comes to your life path, your angels are urging you to try and be more accepting of others, of things that at a first glance do not naturally resonate with you – after all number 105 stands for change; and change can only be initiated in the mind.

The Personality of Number 105 in Numerology

Angel number 105 stands for bold and assertive individuals. True free spirits, always chasing adventure and exploration while keeping their homes open to loving friends. Their innate desire is to provide a harmonious home where everyone feels accepted and seen.

These people tend to be active team players, although sometimes they can become addicted to success and temporarily block their empathic understanding without being aware of it. In essence they live fully in the present moment. Nothing makes them happier than achieving success in all aspects of life.

Perfectionists by nature, they may sometimes not be able to take criticism lightly and will require more patience and understanding in order to be able to get them to open up to you.


It is now time to put all these abstract aspects into practice. The only thing that stands between you and your life’s ultimate goal is the shedding of fears and insecurities and the more you will let go of elements that weight you down, the quicker the process will be to completion.

We have already established that 105 is a perpetual shifter, a number defined by and through change and a powerful message from your guiding angels that the material things that you are wishing on so firmly lack the essential nourishment for your soul and that in order to move on, you should now focus on magnifying your faith in your innate abilities and in your angels.

You are being embraced with light and love and your eyes are now all aglow with a passion for unity, harmony and adventure. This journey will be one projected inwards, which will eventually reveal your true life purpose.

Take responsibilities seriously; part of fulfilling your potential is ridding yourself of non-harmonious concepts sympathy, self-sacrifice in some cases and compassion being an integral part of your divine source code. The light that you give to others will be shun back onto you.

Always be aware of your mind’s natural state of manifesting anything you wish for – what you think you can become; and it is well known that the power with which a thought is projected out onto the world has the potential of changing everything.